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Mecha-Zoo: Animal Transformers by Brice

I met freelance illustrator Brice Reignier at a party recently and we had a fabulous chat about TV and comics over several beers, well it was more him talking and me avidly listening and noting things down in Astrid Tasks (very nerdy of me I know).

It was also then when I found out that Brice had a blog/portfolio entitled Drawn Out and it didn’t take me long at all to find something I thoroughly loved – in his series of illustrations entitled Mecha-Zoo, Brice re-imagines several African wild animals in beautiful mechanized forms. He explained it in far more eloquent terms, sadly I was a too “refreshed” by then and forgot, sorry. I will let his images speak for me – have a look at his animal transformers after the jump.

See more of Brice’s Animal Transformers on his blog.

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