In 1968, astronaut William Anders aboard the Apollo 8 mission took a image of the Earth as their spacecraft orbited the moon. Officially known as NASA image AS8-14-2383, the famous image came to be called an earthrise. 40 years later, a Japanese lunar orbit spacecraft called SELENE captured high-definition video of an earthrise. Check out the beautiful scene below.
In 2007, the same orbiter captured an earthset.
If you liked that, you might also enjoy a time-lapse video of a day to night Earth cycle as seen from the International Space Station. See that video after the jump.
[via brainpicker on Twitter]
3 replies on “Earthrise, Earthset”
that is just so unnatural, but so damn beautiful at the same time!
btw where can i sign up as a volunteer for the moon base?
It is an amazing sight. Incidentally, did you watch the movie Moon?
no i haven’t, but i will be watching it tonight, that’s if red sofa has it in.