Awesomeness TV Video Clips

Hey Guys, I Just Picked up a Delicious Beggar

Here’s a little South African flavour for our international readers who visit often but rarely leave any comments. It hurts us on our studio (if you missed that reference, see here – it’s at the 49-second mark).

In the past, South African fast food chain Chicken Licken ran a series of entertaining funk-themed TV ads for their brand of “soul food”. Our friends over at 10and5 spotted a new set of ads that take the brand in a hilarious new direction. Our favourite ad involves a play on one of South Africa’s major pastimes, mispronunciation. In it, an affable chap comes homes to his housemates after picking up a delicious “beggar”.

Check out a few more Chicken Licken ads after the jump.

The Bunker

The Little Burger

The Hotwings Craving

Which one did you like the best? Drop us a comment.

[via 10and5]

11 replies on “Hey Guys, I Just Picked up a Delicious Beggar”

looks like chicken licken are the new nando’s when it comes to funny advertising.
long may it last.

i really liked the last one, can identify with it most days ;)

Its really od – but the actors always get the full length directors cut for our showreels – so i will have it soon.
I havent even seen the bloody ad!! But its good to see people think its funny