Arty Gadgets Inspirational Designs

Minutuner – A New Generation Clock Design

Minutuner is a alarm clock concept by Antrepo Design Industry that sees the passing of time as a linear flow, much like a progress bar on a media player. The minimalistic design shows the hour boldly on the left hand side and the minutes are shown by a line indicator that travels down the bar. Five colour options are planned (red, yellow, blue, orange or green) and Antrepo are looking for partners to help with production.

More images after the jump.

Gaming News

LittleBigWatch – New LBP Packs Coming Soon

It’s been a drought for LittleBigPlanet DLC since the holidays, but according to Sony Europe community team leader MusterBuster, has laid out a tentative timelines for the coming months of LBP addons and packs. No pricing on the content though.

Find the DLC schedule after the jump.

Entertainment Video Clips Weirdness

Boxxy – What’s the Fuss?

A year ago a young, a heavily-eyelinered, ADD-riddled young woman going by the handle of Boxxy posted an uninspiring video on Youtube. Somehow it got forwarded to 4Chan, and started an almighty flame war that split the 4Channers into two groups – the ones who professed their undying love for Boxxy, and those who hated all that she stood for. The lovers went about hacking Boxxy’s YouTube account and other websites in search of her true identity, whilst the haters launched a denial of service attack on the 4Chan itself, bringing it down for a few hours.

Having seen the video, I honestly don’t see what the fuss is about. If I had to pick a side though, I’d certainly drill a fat hole in her head and I wouldn’t charge her for my services.

Read the full article at The Guardian.

Animal Kingdom Awesomeness Massive Cuteness

Cute of the day

baby lemurThis adorable and incredibly rare Propithecus Coronatus lemur orphan is being cared for by staff at Besancon Zoo in eastern France.

Hit the jump to see more of this cute animal.

Entertainment Lists

AskMen’s Top 99 Most Desirable Women

AskMen’s annual Top 99 Most Desirable Women of 2009 is a list compiled by Ask Men readers and staff. Readers are asked not to vote based on the stiffness in their pants, but to pick women who have the characteristics they value in a potential companion, like big knockers intelligence, humor, charisma, and ambition.

10 million votes were cast during a month-long period and now the tallying is complete – the top 99 list starts HERE.

Skip the queue and hit the jump to see the Top 10 [Possibly NSFW].

Arty Cartoons & Comics

Simpsonized – Famous Art Gets Redrawn

User Meowza Katz drew a whole gallery of images created in Aviary’s Phoenix (a web-based image editor), showing what famous works of art would look like had they been created by Matt Groening.

More images after the jump.

Arty Inspirational Designs

Pixelfest – A Collaborative Artwork

Pixelfest is group artwork project to see whether a group of random people, contributing a single pixel a day, can make a coherent piece of art purely through the influence of the work itself.

Here’s the rules:

  • You can place one pixel a day.You can place a pixel anywhere on the grid.
  • You can overwrite existing pixels.
  • There is no pre-defined subject matter of the picture.
  • No collaborating through the comments.
  • Use your imagination.

Go forth and pixelate.

A flash animation of the entire pixel process can be seen at HERE – via GUERILLA INNOVATION.

Arty Entertainment Risqué

LEGO For Adults

Any adult fan of Lego will tell you, the following LEGO ads are goddamn FAKE. In fact, some have found it a big insult to the adult LEGO fan community, who apparently spends their days in damp basements building tasteful large scale models, and not making horny hos.

Click the images to see them bigger.

An avid rabid adult Lego fan also mentioned that one can’t even build these models – the geometry is all wrong and the curves are represented badly. In any case it turns out these are actually part of a series entitled Pixxxel by Jean Yves Lemoigne for Amusment Magazine.

– via Adgoodness.

Arty Weirdness

Bones Alive! It’s The Skeleton Bio-Cycle

In a moment of pure awesomeness, sculptor Jud Turner forged the Bio-Cycle. His piece is made from welded steel and a collection of found objects to create the appearance that the bicycle is made from a human skeleton. Pity as that would have rated highly on my weird shit-o-meter. There is no seat so you can’t ride it either.

One more image after the jump.

Arty Lists Photoworthy

Photo-riety – 10 Stunning Photo Blogs

Ansel Adams (1902 – 1984) once said, “A true photograph need not be explained, nor can it be contained in words.” so take some time to browse the world as other people see it. It’ll be a vacation for your mind.

See the 10 most stunning photo blogs at