Doobie, dope, roach, reefer, weed, Mary Jane, boom, splif, ganja – 10 common names for cannabis. Now here are the 10 common myths about Cannabis.
10. Fat Storage
Myth: Cannabis’ active ingredient THC gets stored in body fat and its effects can last days or even weeks.
Fact: It is true that cannabis (like many other drugs) enters the body’s fat stores, and it is for this reason that it can be detected long after use, but that is the only part of this myth which is true. The fact is, the psychoactive aspects of the stored cannabis are used up quickly and while the residue of the drug remains, it no longer has any effect on the person. Furthermore, the presence of THC in body fat is not harmful to the fat, the brain, or any other part of the body.
9. Memory Loss
Myth: Cannabis use causes memory loss and a general reduction in logic and intelligence.
Fact: This is another myth which has elements of truth to it – no doubt the reason it is believed by so many. Laboratory tests have shown that cannabis diminishes the short term memory – but only when a person is intoxicated with it. A person who has taken cannabis will be able to remember things learned before they took it but may have trouble learning new information during intoxication. There is no scientific evidence whatsoever to suggest that this can become a long-term or permanent problem when sober.
8. Scientific Proof
Myth: Cannabis has been scientifically proven to be harmful.
Fact: Let us start with a quote: “the smoking of cannabis, even long term, is not harmful to health.” This quote comes from the peer-reviewed British medical journal The Lancet (founded in 1823). There is certainly no scientific consensus on cannabis use, and certainly no scientific proof that casual use is dangerous to health.
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