Arty Awesomeness Cautionary Tales

Little People in Big London

If you’re walking the streets of London, keep an eye out for little people – not freakish dwarves or midgets –  but really little people. UK street artist and photographer Slinkachu creates one-inch tall plastic figures (the little people) which he then places in a London city scene, photographs them, and leaves them to fend for themselves.

My ‘Little People Project’ started in 2006. It involves the remodelling and painting of miniature model train set characters, which I then place and leave on the street. It is both a street art installation project and a photography project. The street-based side of my work plays with the notion of surprise and I aim to encourage city-dwellers to be more aware of their surroundings. The scenes I set up, more evident through the photography, and the titles I give these scenes aim to reflect the loneliness and melancholy of living in a big city, almost being lost and overwhelmed. But underneath this, there is always some humour. I want people to be able to emphasise with the tiny people in my works.

More images after the jump.

Cautionary Tales Mindlessness

Work Stress: 40 Quick Quips For When You Crack

For those days at work when you’ve reached breaking point and don’t mind being hauled in for disciplinary action (been there, done that, got the 6-month suspended sentence) or possibly fired.

  • I can see your point, but I still think you’re full of shit.
  • I’ll try being nicer if you’ll try being smarter.
  • I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid.
  • I’m already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.
  • Do I look like a people person?
  • This isn’t an office. It’s Hell with fluorescent lighting.
  • If I throw a stick, will you leave?
  • Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?
  • Who lit the fuse on your tampon?
  • It’s a thankless job, but I’ve got a lot of Karma to burn off.

Many more snaps at Funtasticus.


Top Gear Testing

Photo by Flickr user alison*h.

Gadgets Inspirational Designs Sports

Playing with Balls: The Glass Pool Table

Australian company Nottage Design have created an innovative pool table. The G-1 Glass top pool table features a glass top and patented Vitrik playing surface that give resistance to rolling balls, much like playing on the traditional felt. Apparently the surface creates a stunning ‘floating on air’ effect as balls glide smoothly and quietly.

This “fusion of modern styling and latest technology” is not only innovative when it comes to design, but also to the pricing – it’s going for a whopping AU $39,900! Crikey, I think Nottle’s got kangaroos loose in the top paddock, fair dinkum.

More at Nottage Design – via Born Rich.

Cartoons & Comics Cautionary Tales Mindlessness Weirdness

Subnormality: Comix With Too Many Words

Taken from Winston Rowntree’s indie-flavored webcomic, Subnormality. Click to see bigger.

An Alternate Reality

Get Rick Quick

Perspective Man

More at Subnormality [Warning: The dialogue can be hellishly fatiguing.] – via

Arty Weirdness

Curiosa Natura

French artiste Patrick Segui is well known for his intricately carved dioramas, and in his Curiosa Natura exhibition, he creates a cabinet extraordinaire of deviant animalia, misfits, and oddities.

More images after the jump.

Awesomeness Inspirational Designs

Rise and Sizzle: The Wake n’ Bacon Alarm Clock

I love the smell of napalm bacon in the morning. New York designer Matty Sallin has created an alarm clock that wakes you up with the sweet smell and sizzle of cooking bacon. Not intended for Jews.

Here’s how it works:

A frozen strip of bacon is placed in Wake n’ Bacon the night before. Because there is a 10 minute cooking time, the clock is set to go off 10 minutes before the desired waking time. Once the alarm goes off, the clock it sends a signal to a small speaker to generate the alarm sound. We hacked the clock so that the signal is re-routed by a microchip that in responds by sending a signal to a relay that throws the switch to power two halogen lamps that slow-cook the bacon in about 10 minutes.

Hit the jump for more images.

Competitions Site Announcements

Competition: Win Transformers on Blu-ray!

Note: This competition has ended.

The very first competition on the onelargeprawn blog is underway, and up for grabs is the 2-Disc Special Edition of Transformers on Blu-ray!

Michael Bay brings to life the all-out deathmatch between two warring robot races. The heroic Autobots, intent on preserving humanity, battle it out against the evil Decepticons for the control of the All Spark, the object that created their robotic race. A Hollywood blockbuster at its core, Transformers pummels you with stunning CGI effects, thrilling action sequences, good humour, serious drama, and liberal doses of my other wife Megan Fox!

Competition details after the jump.

Entertainment Movie Reviews Movies

Blu-ray Review: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

The fourth and in all likelihood the final installment in the Indiana Jones franchise sees a 65-year-old, virtually indestructible, Harrison Ford still slugging it out with the bad guys 27 years after he first cracked his iconic whip on the silver screen.

To be honest I wasn’t holding out much hope for this film considering Ford’s age and the huge amount of time that has passed since the last Indi movie. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see that nothing changes in the alternate universe of Indiana Jones – he’s still a dead eye with his whip, ever ready with a sharp quip (that usually gets him a smack in the mouth from a bad guy), and devoted to hunting down the weirdest and most powerful artefacts in order to prevent the baddies getting their hands on them.


Graffiti Makeover by Dolk and Pøbel

With the government’s consent, two street artists by the names of Dolk and Pøbel, did their thing to abandoned warehouses and houses in Lofoten, a district of Nordland, Norway.

More images after the jump.