Here at the Onelargeprawn blog, we’re for edumacation. Knowledge never goes wasted, however obscure or insignificant it may be. And today we investigate the age-old problem of how to properly take a leak whilst possessing an enormous erection. Here are some techniques to prevent you from splashing the floor, the wall, or worse yourself.
Strong Arming
The brute force method that involves bending your member downwards towards the bowl. Ensure correct pressure is applied – too little could cause awkward spraying, too much could result in possible breakage of the device. In some cases, this technique constricts the flow of urine too much.
The Lunge
If happen to have a down-ward facing erection, simply lunge forward to angle the stream into the bowl. Caution is needed towards the end when your streams becomes weaker- adjust your lunge to avoid unnecessary spillage.
The Superman
A technique reserved for the superhero in you. Mount the bowl in a single bound and pretend your flying. A cape can be added for that authentic look.
More techniques can be found at SEXHAX.