Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics Politics Smolitics

Me old China – again

I just couldn’t resist but I promise that this is my last China Bashing post for the week day. This pic looks suspiciously like it was taken near Victoria Falls on the Zimbabwean side. If it was, I’d hate to see the next pic in the series because g-d knows what would have happened  to the poor woman – almost everything available in Zimbabwe now comes from China (via South Africa mostly).


For more sort of like this visit Superpoop.

Awesomeness Cartoons & Comics

I see the future…


I hate to be rude (no I don’t really!) – this is a private joke for Prawn1 – but it’s so funny I had to put it up here.

Click here for more of this greatness.

Awesomeness Literature Useful/Useless Info

A snackerel of literature


Do you wish you had the time to read something that is simultaneously intellectually-nourishing and entertaining – aside from this blog obviously? Well now you can read a novel on the internet while you’re at “work”.  And even better, it’s a novel in serial form, so those of you not accustomed to reading more than a few paragraphs at a time won’t wear yourselves out!

Many famous authors have been published in serial form in newspapers, albeit most of this crazy coolness went on in the Victorian era with writers like Charles Dickens. It was a great way for writers and readers to make the novel last years – rather like a soap opera but obviously way better. The has published a novel by author Alexander McCall Smith whose first book #1 Ladies’ Detective Agency reached the top of best seller lists around the world. McCall Smith’s Corduroy Mansions has been published as a daily novel in 100 parts, from the comments I read, it looks like a fun book. You can read and enjoy it here.


Ridiculous complaints made by holiday makers


Oh how I could dig a holiday right now. A palm-fringed tropical island would be sublime, a chalet in the mountains with a wood burning fire place would be delightful, a suite at Claridges would be very special indeed. Heck, who am I kidding? A tent on the bank of the Breede would be perfect (and realistic). Alas there’s no holiday in sight for poor little moi, but at least I can take solace in the fact that some people went on holiday and didn’t have a good time. Here are some absurd complaints made by vacationing fools:

  • A tourist at a top African game lodge overlooking a waterhole, who spotted a visibly aroused elephant, complained that the sight of this rampant beast ruined his honeymoon by making him feel “inadequate”.
  • “No-one told us there would be fish in the sea. The children were startled.”
  • “My fiancé and I booked a twin-bedded room but we were placed in a double-bedded room. We now hold you responsible for the fact that I find myself pregnant. This would not have happened if you had put us in the room that we booked.”
  • “I was bitten by a mosquito – no-one said they could bite.”
  • “On my holiday to Goa in India, I was disgusted to find that almost every restaurant served curry. I don’t like spicy food at all.”

Read this for more ludicrousness.


TheBeardly: A Beard Grows A Man

I love my beard. The joy of not having to scrape my face, neck, and ears every morning to conform to today’s standards of a groomed man makes me tremble with giddiness.

And I am not alone in my love for what the TheBeardly consider as man’s greatest achievement.

More observations at TheBeardly.

BONUS: 10 very good reasons why you should grow a giant beard.

Politics Smolitics

Is ignorance our master?

Dalai Lama

I don’t know about you dear Readers, but I’m not feeling particularly proud of the beloved country this week. I mean we have friends and relatives fleeing the country left right and centre for the “greener” pastures of Europe and the Antipodes, but we decided that we actually like it here, and we’re going to stay. For the past few mornings however, I’ve felt like leaving the house with a paper bag on my nationality.

I know that the Dalai Lama says to be kind whenever possible, but I just cannot be kind in my mind when I think about the fact that nasty neighbour (and mass murdered) Bob Mugabe is permitted to come and go in South Africa as he pleases, while one of the world’s most respected spiritual leaders (a darling peaceful little old man with spectacles, yellow robes, and a Nobel Peace Prize) the Dalai Lama is denied a visa. And it’s all for the love of China (well trade with China really). Yes, China. The same China that is responsible for huge job losses in South Africa, particularly in the textile industry. The same China that annexed Tibet, exiled the Dalai Lama, and built casinos and supermarkets on ancient sacred ground. The same China that continues to violate human rights, and environmental laws on a daily basis. It’s just great. And did you know that there are only two countries in the whole world into which the Dalai Lama is denied entry? Yup you guessed it – China and South Africa.

I won’t lie to you, I’m starting to feel a little afraid about this whole China and South Africa against the rest of the world thing. There’s an old Croatian saying that goes something like “if you lie down with a dragon, you’ll wake up with third degree burns all over your body and face, and your nylon underwear will be welded to your bum forever”. I just hope our respected leaders know what they’re up to. Anyway this rant of mine has gotten a little long, and depressing, so if you want a lighter version of the story, check out this gem on the brilliant

And to read more about the man whose religion is kindness, click here.


Student Paints Giant Penis on Parent’s Roof

Student Rory McInnes secretly made a secret addition to his parent’s 1-million pound house. Inspired after watching a documentary on Google Earth, Rory grabbed a tin of white paint, hopped onto the roof of the family home and spent half an hour drawing a 60-foot willy!

The massive phallus went unnoticed for a year until a helicopter pilot spotted it, and hovered so his passenger could take photos. His parents were only made aware when a UK newspaper contacted them for a comment.

Company director Andy, 54, thought it was a wind-up when The Sun contacted him about the painting.

Andy then spoke to all four of his kids demanding answers.

When he phoned Rory — in Brazil as part of his gap year travels — the lad burst out laughing, saying: “Oh, you’ve found it then!”

Rory’s mum Clare, 49, said: “We don’t want any more children, so the idea of sleeping under a giant fertility symbol is rather worrying.”

Read the full story at The Sun.

Cautionary Tales

Excessive Twittering Causes Celebrity Break-Up

Celebrities are a fickle bunch and I barely pay attention to the myriad of hookups, divorces, make-ups, and re-marriages that seemingly happen on a daily basis. This case is however special, considering micro-blogging service Twitter is being blamed for the break-up of on-and-off couple Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer.

The Telegraph reports that Aniston (40) plugged the plug on their relationship after discovering Mayer (31) spent hours on Twitter, despite telling her he was too busy to get in touch with her.

A source had this to say:

“John suddenly stopped calling her or returning her emails and when she would finally catch up with him, he’d say: ‘I’ve been so busy with work. I’m sorry I haven’t had time to call you back.”

The source added: “Jen was fuming. There he was, telling her he didn’t have time for her and yet his page was filled with Twitter updates.

Mayer made no attempt to cover up his Twitters. That’s harsh player, posting 140-character messages when you could be spending time with arguably the best looking pins in Hollywood. Need I remind you, fool?

Mayer’s not going to get a piece of that ass any time soon, so now he’s sure to clog up with Twitterverse even more. Follow him if you must  – @johncmayer. And read the full article at The Telegraph – via Buzzfeed.

Animal Kingdom

PooTrap for Dogs

I’ve stepped in a lot of dog shit over the years. One time I trod on some in a car park and inadvertently rubbed it into the carpet of my office. It took a while for the smell to get to my nose, but when it did, I nearly passed out. That was human poo though.

In any case, a good walk in the public parks can easily be ruined by an unsightly poo that an irresponsible dog-owner neglected to pick up. This problem can be prevented with this useful excrement collector. Dubbed the PooTrap, the device consists of a harness that connects to a poo bag which is placed over your dog’s butthole. It might be utterly humiliating for your pet, but when she/he feels the need to evacuate, the faeces fall into the bag. How convenient for you.

I think it’s time to speak to my DA councillor about having the PooTrap passed as a law. I smell a good business opportunity here.

Awesomeness Inspirational Designs

Crazy Artwork by Florian Kuhlmann

Florian Kuhlmann makes very detailed, intricate collages from hundreds and thousands pictures that he finds on the Internet. And being the nice guy that he is, he puts the original high-res artwork onto the Web under a Creative Commons 2.0 license so everyone is free to download the images.

Here’s a small gallery of the medium-sized images.

More images can be found at – via Doobybrain.