Awesomeness Gaming News

Tetris Friends: Brick Dropping Just Got Social!

Almost as important as landing a man on the moon, a gaming classic recently celebrated its 25th anniversary. Since in its creation on June 6th, 1984 by Alexy Pajitnov, Tetris is a wildly popular video game that has shifted over 70 million copies and in the process been considered by most to be the greatest game of all time.

Available for nearly every video game console and computer operating system, and now you can play Tetris for free anytime, anywhere in the world! Tetris Friends takes the relentless brick dropper and add a unique social feature. Aside from the various single-player variants of the game, Tetris Battle 6P is one of the multiplayer modes that pits you against 5 other online players. As you create the lines, send line attacks to your enemies to disrupt them. And if you meet certain criteria in the matches, you earn Tokens that can go towards unlocking more modes of play and alternate brick designs.

Ready to stack the bricks? Head over to Tetris Friends and let the online time-wasting begin!

[via Urlesque]

Music Video Clips

Kid Cudi: “Make Her Say” Music Video

Part of the morning has already passed by and I’ve spent most of it wiping up copious amounts of snot from my runny nose. Charming I know. If you’re like me and need something upbeat to get the rest of the day going, have a look at Kid Cudi’s new single “Make Her Say”. It features rappers Kanye West and Common, and samples an acoustic version of Lady GaGa’s hit “Poker Face”.

Shying away from the usual guns, bitches, and bling approach, Cudi got all arty and stuff incorporating colourful balloons, a gorgeous swimming pool, and sweeping staircases into the video.  Check it out below.

“Make Her Say” is the second single taken off Cudi’s album “Man On The Moon: The End Of Day” which is due out in the U.S. on September 15th.

BONUS: In case you missed his first single, see “Day ‘N’ Nite” after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness

Paper Foldables: Print. Cut. Fold. Tape.

If there’s one thing we love here, it’s boobies papercraft. Artist Bryan Green creates super-cool custom papercraft toys that are available for free download. I’m told that assembly couldn’t be easier – print. cut. fold. tape. Here are some of Green’s creations.

Find the downloadable PDFs at Paper Foldables.

[via Drawn]

Competitions Site Announcements

Calling All Designers: Mingo Lamberti Needs YOU!

Our friends at Mingo Lamberti just dropped us a mail to let us know about a new competition they are running. It’s a quite a lot more involved than winning one of our giveaways but the accolades that the winner will receive are certainly worth the effort.

For its 7th range, Made in China, Mingo Lamberti is calling for designers to submit their t-shirt designs inspired by the country that bought you kung fu, white rabbit candies, and the cultural revolution, comrades!

The winning designs will be made into Mingo Lamberti’s 7th range, unveiled at a gallery evening in Cape Town, and published in Design Indaba magazine. The designers will be interviewed in Design Times and will receive vouchers for creative bookshop Biblioteq and for Vida e Caffe.

The competitions ends on August 31st 2009. For the full brief head to Mingo Lamberti.

Cautionary Tales Useful/Useless Info

Worldometers: See World Stats in Real Time

Whilst completing my Bachelor of Alcoholism degree at a certain university in the Eastern Cape, I took a course in statistics. What are the chances of me remembering any of it? Slim to none. That is a pity as I’m always running out of conversation topics at parties and much to the grimace of Lucy Furr, I often resort to back-ups like the world’s strongest vagina, or disturbing taxidermy jewellery.

But that is soon to change. Now I can titillate bore everyone with a whole range of statistics. From population to society and media, to environment and health, Worldometers provides real time statistics that are fantastic and frightening at the same time. Here’s a snapshot I took earlier.

WOW! See more numbers in real time at Worldometers.

Another worrying statistic: Number of cigarettes left in box: 1. :pain:

[Thanks Gavin]

Competitions Site Announcements

Happy Monday 5: The Mingo Lamberti T-shirt Winners!

Another Onelargeprawn giveaway has come to an end and we’re hoping to make the start to the week a little happier for three lucky people. To stand a chance of winning a super-cool Mingo Lamberti t-shirt, we asked you to name a design from any of the Mingo Lamberti ranges. A quick visit to Mingo Lamberti’s Flickr page reveals the answers and we accepted the name of any t-shirt design from the six ranges listed there.

Once again we had a good response to the competition so thanks to everyone for submitting their entries. The Randomizer has done its thing and spat out the winners. Could you be one of them? Find out after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Cautionary Tales Video Clips

A Volta: Isometric Madness

Nothing says violence quite like isometric violence. In the music video for their single “A Volta”,  N.A.S.A. teams up with a whole bunch of creatives to bring out a nightmarish city scape filled with corruption, narcotics, evil bosses, dodgy henchmen, prostitutes, and piles of cash. The tune’s very catchy and unsurprisingly the video contains strong language, simulated sex, and violence, lots of it. See it below or watch it in HD at YouTube.

NA.S.A. (short for North America South America) is a music collaboration project assembled by Squeak E. Clean and Ze Gonzales. The video is directed by Logan and inspired by the artwork  of the The Date Farmers. It features Sizzla, Amanda Blank & Love Foxxx.

See the making of video after the jump.

Competitions Site Announcements

Friendly Reminder: Win Tees from Mingo Lamberti!

Just a quick reminder that our latest giveaway will be ending on midnight July 19th and if you’d like to win one of the three super-cool Mingo Lamberti tees we’re giving away, then head to our competition post and get your entry in before the deadline. Good luck! :clover:

We’ll announce the winners on Monday.

Arty Awesomeness Featured Gaming News

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet: Art Meets Video Games

Feeyyaad over at Utter Insanity sent this to me with an impassioned plea to take a look at it. I was mad at him for infecting me with his foul sickness and didn’t pay much attention to it, until now. Having seen it, I think I might just have to kiss him!

Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet is a side-scrolling shooter from artist Michel Gagne and FuelCell Games. It’s packed with striking visuals, bizarre looking gameplay, and totally made of WIN. It’s the best thing you’ll see today. Here are some screenshots.

Check out the trailer below or see it in HD at GameTrailers.

As crazy-good as it look, the game currently has no publisher or platform, but Gagné gives this assurance: “Our goal is to get it on as many platform as possible.” Keep up with the game’s progress at its production blog.

Cartoons & Comics Cautionary Tales

Amazing Super Powers!

I’m pretty sure I have a super power, I just don’t know what it is yet. It’s a painful process eliminating the possibilities. Just the other day I walked into the ladies toilet and was met with blood-curdling shrieks and fits of violence. That’s a pity, I was really hoping for the power of invisibility.

The guys over at AmazingSuperPowers not only have a pretty ironic sense of humour but have super powers themselves – they can time-travel, but they can only go forward. And at a constant rate. Check out some of their comics in the gallery below.

More at AmazingSuperPowers.

[via TheDailyWhat]