In case you missed our last post on District 9, here’s an extended featurette where the producer, director, and actors discuss the upcoming sci-fi flick.
District 9 will be invading South African shores on Friday, August 28th according to SterKinekor.
Created by Austrian animator and motion graphic designer, Clemens Kogler, Le Grand Content tries to make sense of our lives and its pitfalls through the use of Venn diagrams, pie charts, and graphs.
My favourite section is the graphical representation of one’s intended career path versus one’s actual career path. The difference between the two is the reason why we drink. In that case, I should be a raging alcoholic ;-)
See the video below.
The diagrams used were inspired by Jessica Hagy’s site, Indexed.
It’s almost the weekend, baby. If you can’t drink at the office, you might as well count down the hours by avoiding work as much as possible.
I’ve got just the time-waster for you. Guess-the-google is a guessing game where you are presented with a matrix of 20 images from Google. There is a single keyword that relates to these images and you need to guess that word as quick as you can. You can guess multiple times in the allotted 20 seconds. There are 10 rounds per game.
Desktopography is synonymous with beautiful wallpapers. Designers from all over the world submit designs, and the outstanding entries get compiled into an exhibition. And in their latest exhibition, the wallpapers follow the theme Nature on your Desktop. Have a look at some of them below.
See all 65 nature-themed wallpapers at Desktopography’s exhibition #5.
Not me obviously. I’d be lucky if I can pee into a coffee cup without making a mess. Flickr user Boy Obsolete, however, has much better motor control and using a Sharpie pen, draws very amazing things on Styrofoam coffee cups.
Have a look at some of his creations.
See many more at Boy Obsolete’s flickr set, Coffee Cups.
Oh my. Those crazy Japanese never fail to impress. This clip is from an anime series called Kemonozume and shows the inner-workings of an “adult kiss”. It has a killer ending. Check it out.
After some server-type issues that left Onelargeprawn offline for several hours, I’m happy to say we’re back and ready to pollute the Intertubes once again. Apologies for the downtime, our normal programming will commence shortly.
As part of a company directive, I headed into the depths of Tygervalley for a sanctioned “social outing”. I’d tell you about it but it’s totally embarrassing; kinda like when you let slip a wet, stinky fart in a crowded elevator. That being said, here are some not so crappy links.
When it comes to sending greetings to friends and family, I tend to use e-cards for that extra personal touch. I thought Someecards was pretty outrageous but that was because I didn’t know about Bluntcard.
Inappropriate in ways I didn’t think possible, Bluntcard is for when you have to say it clearly. Send one today! :yes:
This super mashup is the mother of all sci-fi movies. YouTuber FYWBreborn mashed the films The Empire Strikes Back, Aliens, Terminator 2, Star Trek, Terminator Salvation, and Transformers 2 into a ginormous explosion fest that would even make Michael Bay get a stiffy.
Check out the trailer for TerminEmpireTrekAliensFormers – that’s a working title ;-)
Kenyon Bajus (or KENYONB) isn’t afraid to tackle issues of racism, sexism, classism, ageism, war, and homophobia in his work. Some may find his work sarcastic, others might be seriously offended, and that divided reaction is exactly what he’s looking for.
If I had a room full of people that were upset by my work, that would be better than everyone walking by with no reaction at all.