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Whizz-Bang! The Iron Man 2 Trailer Has Arrived!

I could go on and on about how lovely Gwyneth Paltrow looked in her business suit in the first Iron Man, or how Terrence Howard gave the performance of his life, but I know you’re only here to see the industrialist playboy, genius engineer, the star of the show.

The first trailer for Iron Man 2 has finally hit the web and you can see it in its whizz-bang glory after the jump.

See the trailer in HD at

Iron Man is back and he brought along his gay, I mean gray, friend War Machine to the photo shoot. Don’t they make a sweet couple?

I prefer this one with the most awesome Mickey Rourke as Whiplash.

Iron Man 2 is set to introduce more new characters include Stark’s business rival Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell!), secret agent lady Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), and Iron Maiden (Olivia Munn). The flick is set to explode onto the big screen on May 7th, 2010.

How excited are you for the movie? Let us know in the comments and the poll below.

Oh, if you had trouble making sense of the trailer, Hecklerspray have kindly decoded it.