Aside from winning the lottery and nicking a few gold bars from the national reserve, robbing a bank is definitely part of my get-rich-quick scheme. One of the stumbling blocks comes in handing over the ultimatum to my victims – having seen so may witty deliveries in the movies, I’m afraid I won’t be as powerful – what if I get my tenses wrong? Or put the emphasis on the wrong syllable? Heaven forbid I dish out the order in the squeaky voice that I talk to the cats with. I should probably stick to writing a demand note…
Bank Notes 365 seeks to capture the notes used in actual bank robberies. From the verbose to the succinct, from the geniuses that got away to the fools who got caught, each note is accompanied by data related to that robbery. Have a look at some of them after the jump.
And find more demand notes at Bank Notes 365.
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2 replies on “Gimme Your Cash! A Collection of Bank Robbery Notes”
“Thanks a bunch” – LOL!
How polite. Pity the pleasantries landed him in jail.