Note: This competition has ended. The winner will be announced soon.
Do you like pleasant surprises? Of course you do, and we here at Onelargeprawn take great pleasure in bringing you this one-day only promotion at the bargain basement price of…ZERO. You’re probably shocked, maybe awed, but I assure you it’s good and it’s true.
We’ve been on the blower with our friends at Megarom who are busy putting together a fantastic PS3 prize hamper. No word on the actual contents of the hamper, the secret is kept from us, but what we can tell you is it will consist of a few of the titles that have already been released this year PLUS some other great goodies! The only catch – this competition is valid for one day, today.
Entry into the competition couldn’t be simpler – send an email to with the subject line “Megarom” and the following details:
- Name
- Daytime delivery address (no postal addresses)
- Contact telephone number
Note some of the legal details:
- Only one entry per person.
- Open to South African residents only.
- Competition will close at midnight, Friday, September 18th, 2009.
- All titles in the hamper are white labels, and as such these titles cannot be sold.
- No employees or families of employees of Megarom Interactive or Onelargeprawn are eligible to win this prize.
Don’t delay, act now! Sheer gaming joy awaits one lucky person! :-D
A big shout out to Megarom for sponsoring the mystery hamper.
BONUS: If you want to increase your chances of winning, our friends at PS3Blog, el33tonline, and LazyGamer are running the same competition.
9 replies on “Fantastic Friday: Win A Mystery PS3 Prize Hamper!”
aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrghhh, I hope I win.
Good luck my friend! I’m trying to figure out what the games could be. Any ideas?
hell if I know, I’ll be happy with anything.
Prawn Prawn He’s our man!! :D
With all the different sites doing the comp. Its gonna be seriously difficult to win this comp hey?
So are there many prizes or just one? Because I entered everywhere, I havent won anything EVER. :worship: prawn ftw
The prize hamper goes to one lucky winner. 8-)
Dude, just give it to me already. Will allow you to knock me down in MS for once ;)
For once? Why you little…. :skeleton: :knife: :poop:
I hope lady luck is on your side, we’ve had a surprisingly large amount of interest!
Thanks for the entries everyone. We’ll announce the winner soon.