Arty TV

Oddball SpongeBob Character Designs

Robert Ryan Cory is an animation character designer who has worked at Nickelodeon on the series SpongeBob SquarePants. Over at his Flickr page Cory has created some odd, grotesque sketches of the SquarePants characters. Check out a small gallery below.

See more of Cory’s work on Flickr.

BONUS: And here’s something for the ladies – crotch sweat and all ;-)

[via Picdit]

1 reply on “Oddball SpongeBob Character Designs”

Err… I think I prefer the earlier episodes, you know, the ones that came before the first movie. Less gross out. I miss the early, more clever Spongebob episodes that were less like Ren and Stimpy.

LOL he actually drew that muscular guy? Wow. The buttcheeks is what really sticks out to me.