Awesomeness Mindlessness Music Video Clips

Enter the ToneMatrix

Andre Michelle, the creator of ToneMatrix describes his lab experiment as a “Simple sinewave synthesizer triggered by an ordinary 16step sequencer.” That’s geek-speak for what is a fun and addictive music maker that sounds awesome no matter what you do.

ToneMatrix comprises a 16×16 grid where each block in the grid represents a specific tone. Click a block to light it up and it starts pulsing a single musical note. Click on another block and you’ve started to make a loop. Create your own patterns or just fool around for a while. It’s a simple concept that can result in some amusing compositions.

Give it a try at

I’ve made a little start on a tune of my own. If you’d like to listen to it, copy the following set of numbers, right-click anywhere in ToneMatrix, and select Paste.


BONUS: Hit the jump to check out songs other YouTubers have made.

[via The Awesomer]

4 replies on “Enter the ToneMatrix”


this is strangely addictive, must be something to pressing buttons and getting a pleasant reaction.