Cautionary Tales

Screensaver for you

Lucy Furr sent me a mail this morning titled “Screensaver for you”. This is usually her modus operandi – tailoring the subject line to make it seem to be a virus. I knew something was fishy when the mail contained not a screensaver, but a wallpaper with this cute gat-possessing, ice-wearing, kitty-type thing.

I thought I’d share it with you, not only because it’s cool but to show you my keen grasp of the woman’s mind. Observe:

  1. A quick Googling revealed tokidoki to be a Japanese-inspired high-end urban lifestyle brand created in 2005 by an Italian artist Simone Legno. Coincidentally Lucy Furr likes high-end stuff.
  2. Amongst toys, clothing, and accessories, tokidoki also makes handbags. Coincidentally, Lucy Furr loves handbags.
  3. The email subject is coded in layers. Coincidentally, Lucy Furr is wearing layers of clothing today.

This is no coincidence. My analytical mind has decrypted the email subject: “Screensaver for you” > “Wallpaper to see” > “Tokidoki for me” > “Handbag for me“.

There you have it. I’m off to buy a handbag. Well played Lucy, well played.

5 replies on “Screensaver for you”

Wonder what happens when she send you a pick of a Big Mac Burger.

Maybe I should try sending my misses a pic of wallnut.
Wonder what her deductions would come to! lol

This does not work the other way around. If you mail your missus an image of a walnut, there will be a big of walnuts waiting for you at home ;-)

Or she might think one (or both) of your testicles have grown to the size of walnuts, throw a massive panic, and schedule a trip to the doctor. I can imagine how uncomfortable it would be for another man have his hands on your ‘nads.