Flash Games

Work Avoidance Monday: Play Civiballs

Monday is a terrible way to end a perfectly good weekend. I’m always in a funk; it has something do with work avoidance as my extremely-overpaid therapist tells me. She licks her own ass, her breath smells of stanky fish, and she spends most of the day sleeping, so I hardly think she’s an expert in the field of psychotherapy. But she does look very cute, and is always eager to sit on my lap and knead my crotch region for hours on end. Which brings me to our timewaster for today, Civiballs.

In this puzzler that takes place in Greece, Egypt and China, you need to get your multicoloured balls into the similarly-coloured receptacles. Use your knife to cut the chains and release the balls. Play Civiballs at Kongregate.

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