Oh god I do love picking scabs so much so I even offer to pick them off other people’s pets. Dogged determination pays off when you’ve gently prised the scab from a healing wound to reveal the mild wetness underneath.
Purple Flavor obviously identify with us “scab-o-philes” and have created a new plush toy, Bandage and Scab.
Hey everybody my name’s Crustopher the Scab. I’m that best friend you just love to pick on. I come complete with a blood-stained bandage. “It’s my blanket!” Hold me, tickle me, nibble my crispy edges, just don’t forget I’m a part of you. Do you have a place in your heart for a Scab?
Aww, Crustopher is too cute.
Found at Playboy Millionaire.
1 reply on “I Heart Bandage and Scab”
Bleuugh. So gross I just had to read it all and click the link.