
What is on Your FuckItList?

“WTF is a FuckItList?”, I hear you ask? Comedian Michael Ian Black tweeted that he was creating a list of the things he doesn’t need to do before he dies, so it’s the antithesis of a bucket list, and Black decided to call it the FuckItList. He also asked his 80 000+ followers to create their own FuckItLists, which caused a rapturous response, apparently resulting in the term “#FuckItList” to rise to the top on Twitter Trends.

I’ve made a start on my FuckItList:

  • Buttseks – Pushing in stools is not my thing.
  • Winning the lotto – I have reconciled this will never happen.
  • Having Megan Fox for dinner – She probably doesn’t taste that good anyway.
  • Writing a book – I have to actually read a book first.

What’s yours like?

1 reply on “What is on Your FuckItList?”

My Fuckitlist?

A) Assassinate George W. Bush – Gave up ages ago, so many damn security guards.
B) Have sex while flying – don’t think the human-wings will go live.. Ever.
C) See my toes – Why loose wait when you can gain wait twice as fast?

/Martin :P