Arty Awesomeness Inspirational Designs

The Definitive Guide To Steampunk Gadgets

Steampunk came to prominence in the 1980s and early 1990s and marries modern microchip and LCD technology with mahogany, brass, and steam power from the 19th Victorian era to produce some truly amazing gadgets.

Brass and Marble LCD

A mod by Datamancer this 22″ widescreen LCD has a frame that is solid 1/4-inch brass with the base of brass and black marble. A small brass “cord catch” keep the power and data cords tidy.

Soviet Gas Mask

Created by bob_basset, this Soviet gas mask is made from leather and brass.

The Villanizer

Built by Thunder Eagle Guitars, The Villanizer uses copper piping, an oil gauge, and many gears to capture the Steampunk look.

More Steampunk goodness can be seen at Gizmotron.