Site Announcements

A Look Back at 2009

This is it – the last post of 2009. Time flies like an arrow (and fruit flies like a banana) and this year really has raced by. On one hand I’m happy to see 2009 draw to a close, it’s been a bit of a rubbish year, but on the other hand there were some great moments and I’m sad to see those go.

It’s that time of year when bloggers around the world review the year and recap their favorite stories of 2009. I’m lucky if I can remember what happened last month but thank the gods  the Internet has kindly reminded me of highlights of the last 12 months. I have included a few of those moments and my general thoughts about the year after the jump.

Site Announcements

Happy Holidays!

Sometimes I feel the same way about disco Christmas as I feel about herpes. You may have noticed the absence of Christmas related posts here at Onelargeprawn, and that’s because I have left it til the last moment (much like my present shopping).

We have spent the afternoon hurriedly baking for impending feast – for a novice baker, I think the first batch of chocolate and vanilla swirly cookies we made earlier looks quite nice. I think we’ll have a great time tomorrow and wanted to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas. If you don’t celebrate Christmas, then here’s hoping you have a relaxing holiday; if you aren’t on holiday then please accept my condolences.

We’re taking a couple of days break from the blog but whatever you have planned, please be safe as there are sure to be lots more drunken revelers about during the festive season. We’d be very sad if anything bad were to happen to our readers, you bring in the advertising money. I’m kidding, what advertising money? ;-)

Happy holidays!

Arty Movies Weirdness

Holy Sith! Zombified Star Wars Posters!

Holy Sith! American illustrator Matt Busch has taken those iconic Star Wars movie posters and put quite a gruesome spin on them. From the hatchet buried in R2’s head to the Tauntaun’s exposed guts, his Zombie Wars poster parody is a feast for the eyes.

Take a look at the six zombified posters after the jump.

Animal Kingdom Arty Awesomeness Featured Photoworthy

The Amazing Serpentine Photos of Guido Mocafico

I got this from Lucy Furr’s twitter (she is known as FurryLuce if you’d like to follow her) and it was too beautiful not to post here. When Lucy and I went to Thailand in 2006, we visited a snake park and it was such a depressing situation seeing these beautiful creatures cooped up in dirty glass boxes; some of the poisonous snakes had bleeding gums, presumably from the frequently milking they were subjected to.

It’s just something painful I remembered when I saw the amazing shots from Italian photographer Guido Mocafico. In his two-part Serpens series, Mocafico photographs snakes in a color-neutral, enclosed space to bring out their hypnotic beauty. The patterns and colours that result are amazing to say the least. You’ll find some of the photos after the jump.

Awesomeness Featured Movies Video Clips

The Trailer to End All Trailers

Waawaweewa! YouTube user vadoskincheg has skillfully spliced 50 movie previews together to create one masterpiece of a trailer. It’s 3 minutes and 51 seconds of relentless, heart-pounding action, accompanied by equally stirring soundtrack. It’s the trailer for the most epic movie never made.

Have a look at Trailer Cut – Volume 1 below or watch it in HD at YouTube.

What did you think? Let us know in the comments.

[via Geekologie]

Arty Awesomeness Featured

Awesome Voxel Art by Metin Seven

I am lacking sleep. This morning I nearly used antihistamine cream as toothpaste and Deems remarked that at least my teeth wouldn’t itch. I suppose he has a fair point there. Later on the day, I tried to use my security tag to open a door and found that it just flung wide open – I was about to launch into a diatribe about the company’s lax security measures until I realized that the door led to the men’s toilet.

So I’m still half-asleep and I hope my barometer of awesomness isn’t poked as well, but I do think this is pretty sweet stuff. Dutch designer Metin Seven has created some fantastic illustrations of the voxel kind. A voxel is like a pixel in 3D, and Seven uses them in his character designs and more interestingly to put a 3D spin on classic 2D games. Have a look at some of his pixel illustrations after the jump.

Arty Awesomeness Science & Technology Video Clips

The Known Universe

It’s that time of year when people take stock of their lives and ponder things done right, and choices gone horribly awry. I prefer to forgo that and consider something a little more “spacey”.

The Known Universe is a short film made by American Museum of Natural History and takes you on a trip from the roof of the world to the edge of the known universe, and back again. Sit down, relax, and enjoy the ride.

Every star, planet, and quasar seen in the film is possible because of the world’s most complete four-dimensional map of the universe, the Digital Universe Atlas that is maintained and updated by astrophysicists at the American Museum of Natural History.

See it in HD on YouTube.

[via Metafilter]

Competitions Site Announcements

The Assassin’s Creed II Crossword Puzzle Winners!

Assassin’s Creed II recently picked up the Best Action Adventure Game accolade in Spike TV’s Video Game Awards, and a week ago, we gave you the chance of winning a copy of it on the console of your choice. You were tasked with solving our crossword puzzle and then decoding the anagram that was formed by specially marked letters on the puzzle. The answer we were looking for was LINEAGE, which not only deals with genealogy, but is conveniently the name of the 3-part story that serves as a prequel to Assassin’s Creed II.

The first PS3 entry arrived within 21 minutes of the competition being posted, with the Xbox 360 entry arriving but a minute later. For their quick work these lads get an extra two entries into our draw. We had another good turn out so a big thanks to all that entered but the most important mystery is yet to be solved – who snagged the prizes? Could you be one of the winners? Well hit the jump to find out.

Arty Awesomeness Entertainment Featured Video Clips

Clash of the Titans: Jackson Versus Bean

When I think about titans clashing, I am imagining Mr T and Chuck Norris in a loving embrace. This most awesome stop-motion animation completely tops that. The king of pop is in a dance-off with the prince of physical comedy. Who will triumph? Find out after the jump.

Awesomeness Featured Movies Video Clips

Whizz-Bang! The Iron Man 2 Trailer Has Arrived!

I could go on and on about how lovely Gwyneth Paltrow looked in her business suit in the first Iron Man, or how Terrence Howard gave the performance of his life, but I know you’re only here to see the industrialist playboy, genius engineer, the star of the show.

The first trailer for Iron Man 2 has finally hit the web and you can see it in its whizz-bang glory after the jump.